Wednesday, February 16, 2011

FAU Graduates' Tree-sit Protests Expansion of Scripps Biotech onto the Briger Tract

Everglades Earth First! activists Russ and Rachel are taking the issue of endangered species protection to new heights! They are suspended 30 feet up in the air to protest the plans for development of the "FAU/Scripps Bio-tech City" on the Briger Forest Tract.

Law Enforcement with the Florida Department of Transportation and City of Palm Beach Gardens have promised to arrest the tree-sitters if they do not leave the sit. Both Russ and Rachel are holding tight!

A joint statement from the tree-sitters states, “As FAU graduates and Palm Beach County residents we are dismayed at the lack of protection for the Endangered Species on the FAU/Scripps development site. The Scripps “bio-tech city” plan promotes sprawl and will destroy endangered species located on the Briger Forest Tract. We have tried legal means to protect the site, but the developers and politicians have ignored our concerns. If the state and county refuse to protect endangered species then we must take action to preserve the remaining natural beauty of Florida.”

In conjunction with the tree-sit, forty protesters converged at the existing FAU/Scripps Florida where Jupiter and FAU campus police briefly detained at least one person.

This will just be the first direct action of many to preserve the Briger Forest and the endangered species that depend on it. Everglades Earth First! activists plan to maintain a presence on the site to ensure no endangered species habitat is destroyed, and no animals are abused in the proposed vivisection labs.

The media has been paying attention- check out some of the news stories about this exciting action:

Hoo-ray for Russ and Rachel! Stay tuned for more updates!

DONATE - to help us support the tree-sitters with future bail and legal costs! Donations can be made via Paypal to ""

HELP THE TREE-SIT - We will have an on-going vigil to ensure the safety of these brave activists. We can be reached by email or calling 561-249-2071

FOR MORE INFO on Scripps and the Briger Forest check out: